The Ultimate 12 Week Moving Checklist
The Northeast Georgia LifeStyle Real Estate Team is happy to present the Ultimate 12 Week Moving Checklist to you and yours.
Although moving to a new location and buying a new home is typically a very exciting time, getting through the move itself can and usually is a very stressful time for most. There are so many different things that have to be accounted for and taken care of, not only in the home you are leaving behind, and in the new home you will be moving into, but things that pertain directly to the lives of those involved as well. Most have the advantage of knowing well enough in advance to plan, organize, and break things down so that they are not quite so overwhelmed at the last minute.
For those who are experiencing this for the first time, there could easily be things that might not be thought of; for those who have moved before, it never hurts to make sure you have all of your bases covered. Below, you will find a detailed breakdown to prepare you and yours for the transition over a three month period of time prior to moving and even the things that need to be remembered once the move has taken place. Naturally, there may be a few things on this list that don’t pertain to everyone, so please overlook these items. For some, using a good guide or example can easily bring things to mind that may accidentally be overlooked. It’s important, especially if you are making a large move and have the opportunity, to plan ahead. Okay, it’s time to get organized.
Keep Reading to Download our FREE Printable PDF of the Ultimate 12 Week Moving Guide & Checklist!!
9-12 Weeks Before Moving

So, you’re three months away from your projected and ideal move date. Yes, there is so much to do, and glancing forward through this checklist may seem overwhelming upon first look. Take a deep breath, because there is still plenty of time. Read through the entire guide, and start checking things off, one thing at a time. You’ll be moved before you know it.
Establish a realistic Budget for your move and outline all necessary expenses.
Create a “Moving” file and obtain estimates for movers, rental truck, and/or both if needed, etc. Keep all quotes, receipts, and a copy of all correspondences pertaining to your move in one location. Don’t forget that moving expenses can often be claimed as a deduction at tax time.
Be sure to find out how far in advance you should plan to schedule movers & trucks for the actual move date.
Schedule movers and trucks as soon as possible once ‘move date’ is acquired.
Confirm that he moving company you would like to hire is licensed and insured. This can be done by verifying the Department of Transportation number or DOT number.
Read ALL documents from moving company of choice before signing any of them.
Notify employers of moving date and days needed off of work as far in advance as possible. (It possible, moving on a Friday so that the weekend follows the big day can remove a lot of stress and allow for additional time to unpack, settle in a little bit, and relax a bit prior to returning to work).
Research the school system and schooling options for the area that you will be moving to and decide on schools for transfer.
Request all required doctor and dental referrals.
Arrange for transfer of medical records to intended doctors at new locations.
Clean out all closets, drawers, and storage areas; have a yard-sale, donate to charities, and eliminate all unnecessary objects and belongings that will not be making the move.
Collect newspapers, magazines, old socks, T-shirts, towels, linens, etc. for use when packing fragile items; this will provide extra protection as well as saving money on packing expenses.
Consider and plan the process for moving fragile, valuable, unusual, and sentimental items such as art, guns, pianos, safes, pool tables, etc.
This is a good time to begin addressing any home repairs that need to be completed before moving out. If you are currently living in a rental property, this could mean the difference in whether or not you receive your security deposit refund, if applicable.
6-8 Weeks Before Moving

Complete any items from the previous weeks checklist that you have not been able to complete at this point.
Arrange for any required school/transcript transfers.
Contemplate furniture layout for new home if possible. Decide on furniture that will be accompanying the move and any additional furniture/belongings that should be eliminated prior to moving.
Research Veterinarians if moving to a new area and have pets records sent to the new veterinary office of choice.
If by some chance you are moving out of the country and have pets, consult with your veterinarian to be sure that pets have all the necessary vaccinations for the move and travel certifications.
Make sure that your pets have ID tags for their collars ready for the new address as soon as you arrive.
Create and Organize an inventory of household items.
Be sure to include time for close friends and family prior to moving day; have a cookout, potluck dinner, something simple yet one last hoorah where so many memories have been made. Take lots of photos!
Obtain packing supplies: boxes, packing paper, bubble wrap, tape, labels, markers, etc. **Free boxes can usually be acquired from grocery stores, liquor stores, restaurants, book stores, and office supply stores; these places have plenty and are usually happy to give them away.
If this is your first time making a large move, take some time one evening and take advantage of Pinterest and other websites ability to provide moving tricks and hacks that could come in handy.
Contact Chamber of Commerce for new county/town and request relocation package. Yelp, Trip Advisor, and other websites can help aid in learning about things to do and the hot places to visit in your new community.
4-6 Weeks Before Moving

Arrange and schedule carpet and curtain cleaning.
Organize and plan for moving any plants to the new home.
Decide on transportation and plan the move for any family pets/animals.
Use up or dispose of any food, cleaning supplies, and/or hazardous materials.
Have final sale/garage sale/donate any last minute unwanted items.
Inquire about landscapers that may already be working the property you are moving to, if needed, as well as others in the area if you are interested in hiring for your new home.
Arrange for cancellation of old utilities and start-up of new utilities for new home if possible:
- Electricity
- Water/Sewer
- Telephone/DSL
- Gas
- Cable/Satellite
- Garbage/Recycling
Arrange for transfers for homeowner’s/renter’s insurance if possible.
Begin packing unneeded and unnecessary items– think about labeling boxes using different colored labels/tape for each room in order to make the unit a king process much easier and much more organized. Be sure to clearly label fragile packages so that items aren’t damages during the moving process.
Make any required travel arrangements to complete the move.
Spend a little bit of time packing every day so that it doesn’t become so overwhelming closer to the move date.
Shop quotes and obtain moving insurance so that all of your belongings are covered just in case something happens during the moving process.
Create a ‘Moving Day’ playlist for travel and to enjoy while unpacking in your new home.
2-3 Weeks Before Moving

Obtain all critical/personal documents and items of importance to keep with you during the move (financial records, legal records, passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc).
Notify important people of new address and move date:
- Family & Friends
- Employers (if applicable)
- Newspaper companies
- Magazine Companies
- Bank Accounts/Locations
- Health, Life & Automobile/Motorcycle/Marine policies
- Creditors/Credit Card Companies
Order new checks for all checking accounts with the updated address.
Plan for and organize any required child/pet care for during your major sale, packing, and move dates.
Create a folder/envelope containing all available and important information, user manuals, keys, etc. for the new owner moving into your home.
Return any borrowed items to friends and family.
Have vehicles thoroughly checked and serviced before the move date. No one want to experience car trouble on the day they are moving their home.
If you are required to ship any vehicles to the new location, be sure to remove EVERYTHING prior to shipping (this includes removable stereo faces, jacks, spare-tires, and anything else that can be easily removed or might go missing.
Refill any possible prescriptions available for refill at this time prior to the move.
Don’t forget to re-fill any available pet medications as well.
Transfer any prescriptions possible at this time to new pharmacies.
Return any library books you may have checked out from your local library if moving to a new community.
The Week Before the Move

Double check with appropriate lender, Realtor/Real Estate Agent, etc. to confirm that your home sale and/or purchase are on track for closing as planned.
Clean refrigerators, ovens, and stoves, etc.
Empty ice maker and ice cube trays in case of power shut down during transition to avoid any unforeseen water damage.
Defrost any/all freezers.
Disconnect and drain any required appliances for move.
Take photos of all electronics and wiring while still connected, these can come in handy when it comes time to set everything back up if you can’t remember exactly how things were done.
Confirm travel arrangements.
Be creative and have a little fun with sending out your moving announcements.
Be sure all required yard maintenance is caught up and completed.
Confirm arrival date and time of movers/trucks (allow for pick-up of rental trucks if needed).
Drain ALL fuel from power equipment and prepare for move.
Be sure to dispose of flammable, poisonous, toxic and corrosive items properly.
Confirm that there is adequate parking for your moving truck(s) at new home location.
Take measurements at the new location of all doorways, elevators, stairways, and other openings be sure that all furniture will easily move into the new location. Be prepared if there are a lot of stairs or rocky terrain involved in the moving process.
Gather and Clean any outdoor furniture that will be left for new homeowners or moved to the new location.
Return any necessary cable boxes, rental furniture/appliances, modems, etc.
Have payment (including tip) and snacks/refreshments prepared for movers.
Organize and label all keys for the new homeowners.
Finish packing.
Pack a bag with all the essentials for the first 24-48 hours of the move so that showering, resting, and beginning to unpack and settle-in is done without having to search for the basics.
Organize any hardware that was removed from furniture and belongings in ziplock baggies and label accordingly.
Clean house or have professionally cleaned for new homeowners.
Prepare a note or small gift to leave for the new residents of your previous home, if you choose.
Remove light bulbs from all lamps prior to moving day.
Prepare/plan for food and rest on travel/move day.
Have a back-up plan just in case the movers are running behind or the unexpected worse case scenario happens to present itself. Although everyone expects and hopes to not need a back-up plan, in the event of moving a home, its always best to be prepared.
Clean-out Safety Deposit Box.
Cancel or transfer any yoga, gym, community center, or other memberships prior to moving.
Clean-out lockers at local gyms, yoga centers, community centers, etc.
Notify Postal-Service of upcoming move date and address (forward all mail to new address).
Update your address with Amazon, EBay, etc.
Double check that you’ve cancelled or redirected any packages or back-ordered items that you may have forgot about.
Back-up all computers before the move. It’s always wise to have a back-up in a different place just in case something happens during the move.
Be apprised of the weather in your current location as well as the location you are moving to the week of the move. Be prepared for any weather precautions that you may need to take.
It’s Moving Day!

Set an alarm and GET UP EARLY!! It’s going to be a long day and the earlier you start, the more you will accomplish, and the better you will feel about relaxing at the end of the day and the progress made.
Pack up any last minute toiletries/bags
Disassemble beds and pack up any remaining bed clothing/linen/pillows/etc.
Confirm that all cupboards, cabinets, pantries, storage areas & crawl spaces, closets, dishwasher, and other appliances are empty.
Give movers tour and pertinent information/directions about what is being moved.
Clean up any tracks from moving and leave floors clean for new homeowners.
Take photos of your empty and clean home prior to leaving to show that it was in move-out condition when you left it.
Turn off any furnaces/pilot lights, lock all windows and doors, turn off all lights.
Moving into the New Home, at Last!

Inspect your new home BEFORE you begin moving in! Document and take photos of any unexpected damage or surprises.
Verify that all utilities are in expected/working order and the home is move-in ready.
Clean anything that appears to need cleaning prior to unloading the trucks if at all possible.
Unload belongings and begin to disperse to appropriate areas of the new home.
Assemble beds first so that you have a place to sleep, and so that things are not placed in the way of doing so later in the day when completely exhausted.
Offer snacks/refreshments to movers and helpers.
Once beds are in place, move on the the bathroom and then the kitchen. Set up the required means for living first.
Be sure to observe and check for any damage to belonging during the moving process as things are moved into the new home and into place.
If you haven’t yet acquired new curtains/blinds for the windows of your new home and there aren’t any there, you can easily cover windows with sheets and thumb tacks for the first night to feel more secure in a new place.
Review inventory from above of items for the move just to double check that everything made the trip and nothing was lost during the move/transport.
Replace all locks and make any necessary copies of keys.
Go grocery shopping.
Almost finished….Within 30 Days of Moving

Clean all carpets in your new home.
Legally change address and be sure local Postal-Service registration is complete.
If your home has a wood stove/fireplace, be sure to have it inspected and thoroughly cleaned before you use it.
Send out thank you cards and gifts to those friends and family members that pitched in and made your moving process easier.
Thank your real estate agent/realtor for their services throughout the purchase of your new home.
Introductions to the new neighbors. Take the time to introduce yourself and your family if you are not moving solo.
Explore your new surroundings; check out the local restaurants, clubs, recreation, local businesses and shops etc.
Register Change of Address for Social Security Benefits within 10 days of moving. Notify the Social Security Office, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the IRS, and any other applicable government agencies.
Establish new safety deposit box and banking locations if not already completed.
Change of address to drivers license and other important documents/offices.
Change of Auto Registrations/Voters Registrations.
Leave a review for the moving company that you hired describing your experience to help aid those ahead of you that will be going through the moving process.
Throw a Party and then Relax!! It’s time to Enjoy Your New Home!!
Click Below to Download a FREE Printable PDF of the Ultimate 12 Week Moving Guide & Checklist!!
Don’t let stress and anxiety overwhelm you when it comes to either buying a new home, selling your existing home or property, or both. Contact a local REALTOR to guide you through the process. It can be a fun and exciting time with the appropriate knowledge and representation by your side. If you are looking to purchase or sell in Northeast Georgia and would like to speak with a Realtor, please submit the information below today. We are Passionate, we are Driven, and we are Effective! Let us show you ‘Results that will Move You!’
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Follow the links Below for More Information and Helpful Real Estate Topics:
- Obtaining a Mortgage Pre-Approval: How to Get Out Front in the Buying Process
- 11 Benefits of Hiring a Listing Agent: Home Selling Made Easy
- The Value of Your Home: CMA
- Home Inspection Benefits: Buying a New Home
- Understanding Realtor Fees and Closing Costs in a Real Estate Transaction
- The Ultimate 12 Week Moving Checklist
- Home Staging 101: Get Your Free Home Staging Guide
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